Cages page

Hi, I'm Cage and I have made this page myself and If you think that writing a page is easy, really, its not. there is alot to remeber just press ctrl u, and you'll see. anyways this is my favourite game, its pretty mean, well actually I like the series better though, its not a bad game.

Theres more

Another thing that I like to do is to do stuff... sounds fun umm, any way I actually play another game called Undertale, its... all good. I just think it's too long till you get into the action. umm here's an image.

Who your looking at is Sans, he's the hardest boss in the game, just search Sans boss fight, and you'll see, anyway your gonna see another image of the exact same background copied but, I can't be bothered changing it. So just deal with it, the music in it is mean though so I'll try to add it in so you can have a listen. It acctually works.

This site acctually seems to be pretty decent umm any way that song was lit was'nt it, remeber Call of Duty Black Ops 2, I haven't played it in ages and this song takes me back so lets see if it takes you as well so here it is. this is my cfavourite black ops game and i'm gonna show off mycoding and add another image.

hey look, A duplicate image. this is actually pretty fun, coding a website, it isn't that bad. hey look theres a button that says dont click me hmm... maybe we shouldn't

DON'T Click Me!!!

why did you ignore me, you could have gotten into trouble, your lucky mate, why would you do that

Hmm... another button, but how.

what the, this wasn't here before

Bro, imma ear rape you if you click it mate.